Sunday, October 19, 2008


Physics feels like a whole new language for me.  I thought chemistry was hard enough but physics is completely different.  Its nothing like biology, which is easy for me to comprehend and understand the processes of.  I feel lost in every direction, not knowing where to go like the cartoon man.  I was honestly trying my hardest in the beginning of the quarter to understand the concepts of physics, but it only led to more confusion.  Even after concepts were completed, I didn't feel like I understood anything more than I did before.  
I think I started slacking off in physics after the second test because I felt discouraged by my grades.  Instead of trying to understand better and study more, I used that time to study for other subjects, like biology, even though I'm doing extremely well in that class.  I intend to put way more effort into this class next quarter.  I want to understand and feel accomplished when I get a good grade in physics.  

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